August Sales Report


As Don Henley famously crooned, “Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach. I feel it in the air, The summer’s out of reach.” Yes, summer is over and I hope you had a wonderful one but I know my number crunchers always like to stay updated on Daniel Island Real Estate sales numbers. So here you go, things are still red hot and no slow down is in slight:

A Daniel Island story of generosity . . .

Wow, this story of generosity just floored me when I read it in this week’s Daniel Island News. The link to the story is below but it exemplifies the type of community spirit that pulses throughout Daniel Island.

It’s a quick read and it’s a touching story of a 16 year old girl with chronic pain, a piano, the power of note writing, and a tremendous healing gesture courtesy of The Black Tie Music Academy (BTMA). The owners of this musical instruction school really stepped up and met a need and should be commended for this wonderful act of generosity. But read the story, it truly is a feel good one and makes me proud to call Daniel Island home.